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Gēata dryhten,  gryre-fāhne slōh
incge lāfe,[1]  þæt sīo ecg gewāc
brūn on bāne,  bāt unswīðor,
þonne his ðīod-cyning  þearfe hæfde,
2580bysigum gebǣded.  Þā wæs beorges weard
æfter heaðu-swenge  on hrēoum mōde,
wearp wæl-fyre;  wīde sprungon
hilde-lēoman.  Hrēð-sigora ne gealp
gold-wine Gēata;  gūð-bill geswāc
2585nacod æt nīðe,  swā hyt nō sceolde,
īren ǣr-gōd.  Ne wǣs þǣt ēðe sīð,
þǣt se mǣra  maga Ecgðēowes
grund-wong þone  ofgyfan wolde;
sceolde [ofer] willan[2]  wīc eardian
2590elles hwergen,  swā *sceal ǣghwylc monFol. 187b.
ālǣtan lǣen-dagas.  Næs ðā long tō ðon,
þæt ðā āglǣcean  hȳ eft gemētton.
Hyrte hyne hord-weard,  hreðer ǣðme wēoll,
nīwan stefne;  nearo ðrōwode
2595fȳre befongen,  sē ðe ǣr folce wēold.
Nealles him on hēape  hand-gesteallan,[3]
æðelinga bearn,  ymbe gestōdon
hilde-cystum,  ac hȳ on holt bugon
ealdre burgan.  Hiora in ānum wēoll
2600sefa wið sorgum;  sibb ǣfre ne mæg
wiht onwendan,  þām ðe wel þenceð.

  1. 2577. MS. ‘incgelafe.’ Thorpe ‘Incges’; cf. “Ing,” King of the East-Danes (Rune-poem 67), and “Ing-wine” in this poem.
  2. 2589. No gap in MS. Rieger ‘ofer willan’ (cf. l. 2409); Grein ‘wyrmes willan’ (cf. l. 3077).
  3. 2596. MS. ‘heand.’