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489[1] duguðe þe þa deað fornam *site nu to
490 symle ⁊ on sæl meoto *sige hreð secgū
491 swa þin sefa hwette. *þawæs geat
492 mæcgum geador ætsom ne *on beor
493 sele benc geryrmed *þær swið ferhþe
494 sittan eodon *þryðum dealle þegn
495 nytte be heold *seþe on handa bær
496 hroden ealo wæge *scencte scir wered
497 scop hwilum sang *hador on heorote
498 þær wæs hæleða dream *duguð un lytel
dena ⁊ wedera.

946 947 *bearn gebyrdo nu ic beowulf þec *secg betsta
948 me for sunu wylle *freogan on ferhþe heald
949 forð tela. *niwe sibbe nebið þe ænigre gad
950 951 *worolde wilna þe icge weald hæbbe *ful
952 oft ic for læs san lean teoh hode *hord
953 weorþunge hnahran rince *sæmran æt
954 sæcce þu þe self hafast. *dæ dum gefremed
955 956 ꝥ þin lyfað *awa to aldre alwal da þec *gode
957 for gylde swa he nu gyt dyde. * beowulf
958 maþelode bearn ec þeo wes *we ꝥ ellen weorc
959 estum miclum *feohtan fremedon frecne
960 961 ge neð don. *eafoð uncuþes uþe ic swiþor *ꝥ
962 ðu hine selfne geseon moste *feond on
963 frætewum fyl werigne. *ic him hrædlice
964 heardan clam mū *on wæl bedde wriþan
965 þohte *ꝥ he for hand gripe minum scolde

Here I have followed Zupitza in the division of the words, but a mere glance at the autotypes suffices to show the

  1. The asterisks mark the beginnings of the verse-lines, the numbers of which are given in the margin.