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Eafores[1] *ānne dōm.  Hyne yrringaFol. 194a.
2965Wulf Wonrēding  wǣpne gerǣhte,
þæt him for swenge  swāt ǣdrum sprong
forð under fexe.  Næs hē forht swā ðēh,
gomela Scilfing,  ac forgeald hraðe
wyrsan wrixle  wæl-hlem þone,
2970syððan ðēod-cyning  þyder oncirde.
Ne meahte se snella  sunu Wonrēdes
ealdum ceorle  ondslyht[2] giofan,
ac hē him on hēafde  helm ǣr gescer,
þæt hē blōde fāh  būgan sceolde,
2975fēoll on foldan;  næs hē fǣge þā git,
ac hē hyne gewyrpte,  þēah ðe him wund hrine.
Lēt se hearda  Higelāces þegn
brād[n]e[3] mēce,  þā his brōðor læg,
eald sweord eotonisc,  entiscne helm
2980brecan ofer bord-weal;  ðā gebēah cyning,
folces hyrde,  wæs in feorh dropen.
Ðā wǣron monige,  þe his mǣg wriðon,
ricone ārǣrdon,  ðā him gerȳmed wearð,
þæt hīe wæl-stōwe  wealdan mōston,
2985þenden rēafode  rinc ōðerne,
nam on Ongenðīo  īren-byrnan,
heard swyrd hilted  ond his helm somod;
hāres hyrste  Higelāce bær.
Hā ð[ām][4] frætwum fēng,  ond him fægre gehēt
2990lēana [for][5] *lēodum,  ond gelǣste[6] swā;Fol. 194b.

  1. 2964. Heyne ‘Eofores.’ But see l. 2757 and note.
  2. 2972. See note on l. 2929.
  3. 2978. MS. ‘brade.’
  4. 2989. MS. defective at corner, here and in the next line.
  5. 2990. A word is missing in the MS. in the first half of this line.