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as is women’s power beside (in comparison with) a man, or, as women’s power is [accounted less] by a man,” 1284.

be () sǣm twēonum = be-twēonum sǣm, “between the seas,” 858, 1297, 1685, 1956.
bēacen, st. neut., beacon, sign, monument, 570; nom. bēcn, 3160.
bēacnian, w. v., [beckon] indicate; pp. gebēacnod, 140.
beado, beadu, st. f., battle, war, 709; gen. beadwe, 1539.
beado-grīma, w. m., battle-mask, helmet, 2257.
beado-hrægl, st. neut., [battle-rail] war-dress, coat of mail, 552.
beado-lēoma, w. m., [battle-ray] sword, 1523.
beado-mēce, st. m., battle-sword, 1454.
beado-rinc, st. m., [battle-]warrior, 1109.
beadu-folm, st. f., battle-hand, 990.
beadu-lāc, st. neut., battle-play, battle, war, 1561.
beadu-rōf, adj., battle-strong, mighty in war, 3160.
beadu-rūn, [battle-rune] quarrel, 501.
beadu-scearp, adj., battle-sharp, 2704.
beadu-scrūd, st. neut., [battle-shroud] coat of mail, 453.
beadu-sērce, w. f., battle-sark, coat of mail; acc. sg. beadu-sērcean, 2755. [Sievers § 159. 1.]
beadu-weorc, st. neut., battle-work, battle, 2299.
bēag, bēah, ring, circlet, (armlet, necklace, etc.); often = money, treasure; 1211, 80, 523, etc.; acc. pl. bēg, 3163.
bēag-gyfa, w. m., ring-giver, 1102.
bēag-hroden, adj. (pp.), ring-adorned, adorned with diadem, bracelets, or rings, 623.
bēah-hord, st. neut., ring-hoard, 894, etc.
bēah-sele, st. m., ring-hall, hall in which rings were given, 1177.
bēah-þegu, st. f., ring-receiving, 2176 (referring to Hygd’s receiving from Beowulf the wonderful necklace which Wealhtheow gave him).
bēah-wriða, w. m., ring-wreath, circlet, 2018.
bealdian, w. v., bear oneself boldly, 2177.
bealdor, baldor, st. m., prince, lord, 2428, 2567.
bealo, bealu, st. neut., bale, evil, ruin, 2826; gen. pl. bealwa, 909, bealuwa, 281, bealewa, 2082.
bealo-cwealm, st. m., baleful or violent death, 2265.
bealo-hycgende, adj. (pres. part.), [bale-thinking] intending evil, 2565.
bealo-hȳdig, adj., [bale-minded] intending evil, 723.
bealo-nīð, st. m., [bale-envy, -hate, -mischief] baleful envy, malicious hatred, 1758, 2404; poison, venom, 2714.
bearhtm, st. m.

(1) brightness, 1766.

(2) sound, 1431.
bearm, st. m., [barm] lap, bosom, 35, 1137, 2404 (possession).
bearn, st. neut., bairn, child, son, 150, 469, 3170, etc.; pl. ylda bearn, 605, gumena bearn, 878, niðða bearn(a), 1005, “the children of men.”
bearn-gebyrdo, st. f., bairn-birth, child-bearing; gen. 946.
bearu, st. m., grove, wood, 1363.
bēatan, st. v., beat, smite, paw, 2265; pp. gebēaten, 2359.
bēcn, see bēacen.
bed(d), st. neut., bed, 140, 1240, etc.
be-foran, adv., before; of place, 1412, of time, 2497.
be-foran, prep., with acc., before, 1024.
bēg, see bēag.
bēgen, m., bā, f. and neut., num. and adj.-pron., both, 536, 1305, 2196, etc.; gen. bēga folces, “of