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criminally, maliciously,” 1744, 2441.

fyren-dǣd, st. f., crime-deed, deed of violence, 1001, 1669. fyren-ðearf, st. f., [crime-need] dire distress, 14.
firgen-, see fyrgen-.
flǣsc, st. neut., flesh, 2424.
flǣsc-homa, w. m., flesh-covering, body, 1568.
flān, st. m., arrow, barb, 2438, 3119.
flān-boga, w. m., arrow-bow, 1433, etc.
flēah, see flēon.
flēam, st. m., flight, 1001, etc.
flēogan, st. v., fly, 2273.
flēon, st. v., flee, 755, etc.; pret. sg., with acc., flēah, 1200 (see note), 2225.
be-flēon, st. v., with acc., flee, escape from; dat. inf. nō þæt ȳðe byð to beflēonne, “that (fate or death) will not be easy to escape from,” 1003. ofer-flēon, st. v., flee from; inf. nelle ic beorges weard oferflēon fōtes trem, “I will not flee from the barrow’s warden a foot’s space,” 2525.
flēotan, st. v., float, swim, 542, etc.
flet, st. neut., floor, floor of a hall, hall, 1025, 1086, 1540, etc.
flet-ræst, st. f., floor-rest, bed in a hall, 1241.
flet-sittend, st. m. (pres. part.), floor-sitter, hall-sitter, 1788, 2022.
flet-werod, st. neut., [floor-host] hall-troop, 476.
fliht, st. m., flight, 1765.
flītan, st. v., [sc. flite] contend, strive, 916; pret. sg. 2nd, 507.
ofer-flītan, st. v., overcome, 517.
flōd, st. m., flood, 545, etc.
flōd-ȳð, st. f., flood-wave, 542.
flōr, st. m., floor, 725, etc.
flota, w. m., [floater] bark, ship, 210, etc.
flot-here, st. m., [float-army] fleet, 2915.
flȳman, w. v., put to flight; pp. geflymed, 846, etc.
-fōh, see -fōn.
folc, st. neut., folk, nation, people, warriors, army, 14, 55, 262, 1855, 2393, etc. The plural is sometimes used with the same meaning as the singular, 1422, etc.; cf. lēod, lēode.
folc-āgend, st. m. (pres. part.), [folk-owner] folk-leader, 3113.
folc-cwēn, st. f., folk-queen, 614.
folc-cyning, st. m., folk-king, 2733, etc.
folc-rēd, st. m., folk-rede; acc. folc-rēd fremede, “did what was for the public good,” 3006.
folc-riht, st. neut., folk-right, public right, 2608.
folc-scaru, st. f., folk-share, public property?, 73.
folc-stede, st. m., folk-stead, 76 (Heorot); acc. folc-stede fāra, “the field of battle,” 1463.
folc-toga, w. m., folk-leader, 839.
fold-bold, st. neut., earth-building, hall on the earth, 773.
fold-būend, st. m. (pres. part.), earth-dweller, 309; pl. fold- būend, 2274, fold-būeude, 1355.
folde, w. f., earth, ground, world, 96, 1196, 2975.
fold-weg, st. m., earth-way, 866, etc.
folgian, w. v., follow, pursue, 1102, 2933.
folm, st. f., hand, 158, etc.
fōn, st. v., seize, take, receive, grapple, clutch, 438; pres. 3rd, fēhð ōðer tō, “another succeeds,” 1755; pret. fēng, 1542, with dat. 2989.
be-fōn, bi-fōn, st. v., seize, seize on, embrace, encircle, encompass; pp. befongen, 977, 1451, 2274, etc., bifongen, 2009, befangen, 1295, etc.

ge-fōn, st. v., with acc., seize; pret. gefēng, 740, 1563, 2215, 2609, 3090, etc.

on-fōn, st. v., usu. with dat.,