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gēomor-līc, adj., [srd-like] sad, 2444.
gēomor-mōd, gīomor-mōd, adj., [sad-mood] sad-minded, sorrowful, 2044, 2267, etc.
gēomrian, w. v., lament, 1118.
gēomuru, see gēomor.
geond, prep., with acc., [yond] throughout, 75, etc.
geong, giong, adj., young, 13, 2446, etc.; dat. sg., geongum, 2044, etc., geongan, 2626.
gingæst, superl., youngest, last; weak, 2817.
geong, 2743, see gongan.
gēong, see gongan.
georn, adj., yearning, eager, 2783.
georne, adv., eagerly, gladly, 66, etc.; well, 968.
geornor, compar., more surely, 821.
gēo-sceaft, st. f., [former shaping] fate, 1234.
gēosceaft-gāst, st. m., [former-shaping-ghost] demon sent by fate, 1266.
gēotan, st. v., pour, rush, 1690.
ge-rād, adj., skilful, 873.
ge-rūm-līce, adv., roomily.
ge-rūmlīcor, compar., more roomily, more at large, 139.
ge-rysne, adj., befitting, 2653.
ge-saca, w. m., adversary, 1773.
ge-sacu, st. f., strife, 1737.
ge-scād, st. neut., difference, 288.
gescæp-hwīl, st. f., [shaped while] fated hour, 26.
ge-sceaft, st. f., [shaping] existence, 1622.
ge-sceap, st. neut., shape, 650; destiny, 3084
ge-scipe, st. neut., fate, 2570.
ge-selda, w. m., hall-fellow, comrade, 1984.
ge-sīð, st. m., comrade, 29, etc.
ge-slyht, st. neut., slaying, encounter, 2398.
ge-strēon, st. neut., possession, treasure, 1920, 3166, etc.
gest-sele, st. m., guest-hall, 994.
ge-sund, adj., sound, safe and sound, 1628, etc.; with gen. sīða gesunde, “safe and sound on your journeys,” 318.
ge-swing, st. neut., swing, eddy, 848.
ge-sȳne, adj., evident, visible, 1255, etc.
ge-synto, st. f., soundness, health, 1869.
-get, see -gitan.
ge-tæse, adj., quiet, pleasant, 1320.
gētan, w. v., slay, destroy; inf. cwæð, hē on mergenne mēces ecgum gētan wolde, sume on galg-trēowum fuglum tō gamene, “quoth, he would destroy [them] in the morn with the edges of the sword, [hang] some on gallows-trees for a sport for birds,” 2940. [“Beiträge” x. 313.]
ge-tenge, adj., touching, lying on, 2758.
ge-trum, st. neut., troop, 922.
ge-trȳwe, adj., true, faithful, 1228.
ge-þing, st. neut.:

(1) terms, pl. 1085.

(2) issue, 398, 709; gen. pl. ge-þingea, “fates,” 525.
ge-þōht, st. m., thought, resolution, 256, 610.
ge-þonc, st. m., thought, 2332.
ge-þring, st. neut., eddy, whirlpool, 2132.
ge-þwǣre, adj. gentle, 1230.
ge-þyld, st. f., patience, 1395, etc.
ge-þȳwe, adj., [thewy] wonted, customary, 2332.
ge-wǣde, st. neut., [weeds] armour, 292.
ge-wealc, st. neut., [walk] rolling, 464.
ge-weald, st. neut., wielding, power, control, 79, 808, 2221 (see mid), etc.
ge-wealden, adj. (pp.), subject, 1732.
ge-wef, st. neut., web, woof; pl. gewiofu, 697.
ge-weorc, st. neut., work, 455, etc.
ge-wider, st. neut., weather, storm, tempest; pl. 1375.