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habban, w. v., pret. hæfde: have, 383, 658, etc.; often as auxiliary, 106, etc. Pres. 1st, hafu, 2523, hafo, 2150, 3000; 2nd, hafast, 953, etc.; 3rd, hafað, 474, etc. Negative form of subj. pres. pl. næbben, 1850.
for-habban, w. v., keep back, retain, refrain, 2609; inf. ne meahte wǣfre mōd forhabban in hreþre, i.e. he was dying, 1151. wið-habban, w. v., withstand, resist, 772.
hād, st, m., [-hood] condition, quality, manner, wise, 1297, 1335, etc.
hador, st. m., retreat?, 414 (see note).
hādor, adj., clear-voiced, sonorous, 497.
hādre, adv., clearly, brightly, 1571.
hæf, st. neut., sea, mere; pl. heafo, 2477.
hæfen, see hebban.
hæft, st. m., captive, 2408.
hæfta, w. m., captive; acc. hæfton, 788.
hæft-mēce, st. m., [haft-sword] hilted sword, 1457.
hæg-steald, st. m., bachelor, liege-man, young warrior, 1889.
hǣl, st. f.:

(1) health, good luck, 653, 1217.

(2) omen, 204.
hæle, st. m., man, hero, warrior, 1646, etc.; acc. pl. 719.
hæleð, st. m., man, hero, warrior, 52, etc.
hǣlo, st. f., health, hail, farewell, 2418.
hærg-træf, st. neut., idol-tent, heathen fane, 175.
hǣst, adj., violent, 1335.
hǣðen, adj., heathen, 179, 852, etc.
hǣðen, st. m., heathen, 986.
hæð-stapa, w. m., heath-stepper, stag, 1368.
hafa, imperat. sg. of habban.
hafela, hafala, heafola, w. m., head, 446, 672, 2679, etc.
hafen, see hebban.
hafenian, w. v., heave, uplift; pret. hafenade, 1574.
hafo, hafu, see habban.
hafoc, st. m., hawk, 2263.
haga, w. m., [haw] hedge, enclosure, entrenchment, 2892, 2960.
hāl, adj., whole, hale, safe and sound, 300, etc. Special passages: wes…hāl, “hail,” 407; with gen. heaðo-lāces hāl, “safe and sound from the strife,” 1974.
halig, adj. holy, 381, etc.
hals, see heals.
hām, st. m., home, 717, 2325, etc.; locative, tō hām, “at home,” 374.
hamer, see homer.
hām-weorðung, st. f., home-adorning, that which graces a home, 2998.
hand, see hond.
hangian, see hongian.
hār, adj., hoar, hoary, gray, 887, etc.; gen. hāres hyrste, “the old man’s (Ongentheow’s) harness,” 2988.
hard-, see heard-,
hāt, adj., hot, 2781, etc.; dat. sg. hāton, 849; nom. wyrm hāt ge-mealt, “the dragon melted in its heat,” 897.
hātost, superl., hottest, 1668.
hāt, st. neut., heat, 2605.
hatan, st. v.:

(1) order, command, bid, 293, 386, etc.; pret. sg. hēht, 1035, etc., hēt, 198, etc.; pp. ðā wæs hāten hreþe Heort innan-weard folmum gefrætwod, “then it was commanded that the inside of Heorot should quickly be adorned by hands,” 991.
(2) name, call, 102, etc.; subj. pres. pl. hātan, 2807.

ge-hātan, st. v., usu. with acc., promise, vow, 1392, 2024, etc.; with gen. 2989; pret. gehēt, 175, 2937, etc.