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sǣ-grund, st. m., sea-ground, bottom of the sea,
sæl, st. neut., hall, 307, etc.; acc. sel, 167.
sǣl, st. m. f.:

(1) time, season, occasion, opportunity, 622, 1008, etc.; acc. sg. sēle, 1135.

(2) happiness, joyance, bliss, 643, etc.; dat. pl. sālum, 607.
sǣ-lāc, st. neut., sea-booty, 1624; acc. pl. sǣ-lāc, “sea-spoils,” 1652.
sǣ-lād, st. f., sea-path, sea-voyage, 1139, 1157.
sǣlan, w. v., bind, tie, secure, 226, 1917; pp. gesǣled, “bound, twisted, interwoven,” 2764.
on-sǣlan, w. v., unbind; imperat. sg. onsǣl meoto, “unbind thy thoughts,” 489.
sǣlan, w. v., happen.
ge-sǣlan, w. v., often impers., befall, chance, happen, 890, 1250; pret. sg. me gesǣlde þæt, “it chanced that,” or “I succeeded in,” 574.
sæld, st. neut., hall, 1280.
sǣ-līðend, st. m. (pres. part.), sea-farer; nom. pl. sǣ-līðend, 411, etc.; sǣ-līðende, 377.
sǣlðe (?), 3152, see note on 3155.
sǣ-mann, st. m., sea-man, 329, 2954.
sǣ-mēðe, adj., sea-weary, 325.
sǣmra, compar. adj. (without pos.) worse, weaker, 953, 2880.
sǣ-næss, st. m., sea-ness, headland, 223, 571.
sǣne, adj.
sǣnra, compar., slower, 1436.
sǣ-rinc, st. m., sea-warrior, 690.
sǣl-sīð, st. m., sea-journey, 1149.
sǣ-weall, st. m., sea-wall, 1924.
sǣ-wong, st. m., sea-plain, shore, 1964.
sǣ-wudu, st. m., sea-wood, ship, 226.
sǣ-wylm, st. m., [sea-welling] sea-surge, 393.
-saga, see -secgan.
sāl, st. m., rope, 302, 1906.
sālum, see sǣl.
samod, see somod.
sand, st. neut., sand, 213, etc.
sang, st. m., song, 90, etc.
sār, st. f. neut., sore, pain, wound, 787, 975; nom. sīo sār, 2468; acc. sāre, “harm,” 2295.
sār, adj., sore, 2058.
sāre, adv., sorely, 1251, 2222, 2311, 2746.
sārig, adj., sorry, sad, 2447.
sārig-ferð, adj., [sorry-heart] sore at heart, 2863.
sārig-mōd, adj., [sorry-mood] in mournful mood, 2942.
sār-līc, adj., [sore-like] painful, sad, 842, 2109.
sāwl-berend, st. m. (pres. part.), [soul-bearing] being endowed with a soul, 1004.
sāwol, st. f., soul, 2820, etc.; acc. gen. sāwle, 184, 2422, etc.; gen. sāwele, 1742.
sāwol-lēas, sāwul-lēas, soulless, lifeless, 1406, 3033.
sāwul-drīor, st. neut., [soul-gore] heart’s blood, life’s blood, 2693.
scacan, st. v., pres. sg. sceaceð, 2742, pp. scacen, sceacen, 1124, 2306, etc.: shake, go, depart, hasten, 1136, 2254, etc. Special passages: inf. ðā cōm beorht scacan sunne ofer grundas, “then the bright sun came hastening o’er the plains,” 1802; pret. strǣla storm strengum gebǣded scōc ofer scild-weall, “the storm of arrows, sent by the strings, flew over the shield-wall,” 3118.
scādan, st. v.
ge-scādan, st. v., decide; pret. gescēd, 1555.
scadu-helm, st. m., [shadow-helm] shadow-covering, cover of night; gen. pl. scadu-helma gesceapu, “shapes of the shadows,” 650.
scami(g)an, w. v., be ashamed, 1026, 2850.
scaþa, see sceaþa.
sceacen, sceaceð, see scacan.
scead, st. neut., shade: acc. pl.
