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ted: þām = þām þe, 2199, 2779. Correl. withused as a rel. pron.: sē…sē, 2406–7.
Particular usages:
(1) gen. neut. þæs, of that, of this, thereof, for that, for this, therefor, 7, 16, 114, 350, 588, 1145, 1692, 1778, 2032, 2239, 2335; therefore, 900, 1992. Correl. with þæt, conj., 2026–8, etc. See also þæs, adv.
(2) instr. neut. þȳ, þē, therefore, 1273, 2067. Correl. with þē, conj. (q. v.), 487, 1436, 2638. Often with comparatives, the: 821, 974, 1902, 2277, 2687, 2749, 2880; nō þȳ ǣr, “none the sooner,” 754, etc.
(3) instr. neut. þon; þon mā, “(the) more,” 504; æfter þon, “after that,” 724; ǣr þon, “ere,” 731; be þon, “by that,” 1722; tō þon, þæt, “until,” 2591, 2845. See also under tō.

II. Rel. pron., that, who, which, what; m. sē, 143, 370, 1610, 2407, 2865, etc.; sē for sēo, 2421 (see also þe); neut. þæt = “what,” 15, 1466, 1748; m. acc. þone, 1354, 2048, 2751; f. acc. þā, 2022; gen. neut. Gode þancode…þæs se man gespræc, “thanked God for what the man spake,” 1398; þæs ic wēne, “according to what I expect, as I ween,” 272; so, 383; dat. sing. m. and neut. þǣm, 310, 374, 1363, 1688; þām, 2612; pl. þā, 704, etc. See also þǣs, adv.

þæs þe, see under þæs.
sealde, etc., see sellan.
sealma, w. m., sleeping-place, couch, chamber, 2460.
sealt, adj., salt, 1989.
searo, st. neut., armour, 329, 419 (battle), etc.; dat. pl. adverbially, searwum, “cunningly, curiously,” 1038, 2764.
searo-bend, st. m. f., cunning band, 2086.
searo-fāh, adj., cunningly or artistically coloured, variegated, 1444.
searo-geþræc, st. neut., heap of treasures of cunning work, 3102.
searo-gimm, st. m., cunning gem, jewel of artistic workmanship, 1157, 2749.
searo-grim, adj., [cunning-grim] cunningly fierce, or fierce in battle, 594.
searo-hæbbend, st. m. (pres. part.), [armour-having] armour-bearer, warrior, 237.
searo-net, st. neut., [cunning- or armour-net] coat of mail, 406.
searo-nīð, st. m., armour-strife, hostility, 582, 3067; cunning-hatred, wile, plot, 1200, 2738.
searo-þonc, st. m., cunning thought, 775.
searo-wundor, st. neut., [cunning-wonder] rare wonder, 920.
seax, st. neut., hip-sword, dagger, 1545.
sēcan, sēcean, w. v., 664, 187; dat. inf. tō sēceanne, 2562; pres. pl. (fut.) sēceað, 3001; pret. pl. sōhton, 339, sōhtan, 2380: seek in its various meanings; visit, go to, strive after; 756, 1379, 2738, 2380 (of a friendly visit). Intrans. 2293, 3001 (of a hostile attack); þonne his myne sōhte, “than his wish (hope) sought,” 2275. Special passages: sāwle sēcan, “kill,” 801; so, sēcean sāwle hord, 2422.
ge-sēc(e)an, w. v., 684, etc.; dat. inf. tō gesēcanne, 1922; pret. pl. gesōhton, 2926, gesōhtan, 2204: seek in its various meanings as above, 692, 1839, etc.; often of hostile attack, 2515, etc. ofer-sēc(e)an, w. v., overtax, test too severely; pret. sg. sē ðe mēca gehwane…swenge ofersōhte, “which with its swing overtaxed every sword,” 2686.
sece, see sæcc.
secg, st. m., man, etc., 208, 213,