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specan, speak, see sprecan.
spēd, st. f., speed, success; acc. on spēd, “with good speed, successfully,” 873.
spel(l), st. neut., spell, story, tale, tidings, 2109, 2898, etc.; acc. pl. spel gērade, “skilful tales,” 873.
spīwan, st. v., spew; inf. glēdum spīwan, “to vomit forth gleeds,” 2312.
sponnan, st. v.
on-sponnan, st. v., unspan, loosen; pret. his helm onspēon, 2723.
spōwan, st. v., impers., with dat. pers., speed, succeed; pret. sg. him wiht ne spēow, “he had no success,” 2854; hū him æt ǣte spēow, “how he sped at the eating,” 3026.
sprǣc, st. f., speech, 1104.
sprecan, specan, st. v., speak, say, 531, 643, 1171, 1476, etc.; with foll. clause, gomele ymb gōdne on geador sprǣcon, þæt hig, “old men spake together about the hero, [saying] that they,” 1595.
ge-sprecan, st. v., speak, 675, 1398, etc.
springan, st. v., pret. sprong, sprang: spring, 18 (spread), 1588 (gape), 2582 (shoot), 2966 (spurt).
æt-springan, st. v., spring forth; pret. sg. ætspranc, 1121.

ge-springan, st. v., pret. gesprong, gesprang: spring forth, arise, 884, 1667.

on-springan, st. v., spring apart, 817.
stǣl, st. m., place, stead, 1479. [Sievers § 202, N. 2.]
stǣlan, w. v.:

(1) institute, carry on; pp. ge-stǣled, 1340.

(2) avenge, 2485.
stān, st. m., stone, rock, 887, 2288, etc.
stān-beorh, st. m., stone-barrow, barrow or cave of rock, 2213.
stān-boga, w. m., [stone-bow] stone-arch, arch of rock; acc. sg. 2545, nom. pl. 2718.
stān-clif, st. neut., stone-cliff, cliff of rock; acc. pl. stān-cleofu, 2540.
standan, see stondan.
stān-fāh, adj., [stone-variegated] paved or inlaid with stones of various colours, 320.
stān-hlið, st. neut., stone-slope, rocky slope; acc. pl. stān-hliðo, 1409.
stapol, st. m., [staple]:

(1) column; dat. pl. ðā stān-bogan stapulum fæste, “the stone-arches firm on columns,” 2718.

(2) threshold?, staple?; dat. sg. Hrōðār…stōd on stapole, geseah stēapne hrōf golde fāhne ond Grendles hond, 926. [Heyne translates: “stand an der hölzernen Mittelsäule Heorots.” But on stapole will not bear this meaning, which further implies that Grendel’s hand was up among the rafters, whereas there can be no doubt that it was set up as a trophy outside the hall. See l. 983; cf. the stoep of houses at the Cape; and see Earle’s note, “Deeds of Beowulf,” p. 139.]
starian, w. v., pres. sg. 1st starige, starie, 3rd starað, pret. starede, staredon: stare, gaze, 996, 2796, etc. Special passage: þæt hire an dæges ēagum starede, “that he should stare on her by day with his eyes,” 1935.
stēap, adj., steep, towering, tall, 222, 2566, etc.
stearc-heort, adj., [stark-heart] stout-hearted, 2288, 2552.
stede, st. m., stead, place; gen. pl. wæs steda nægla gehwylc stȳle gelīcost, “each of the places of the nails was most like to steel,” 985.
stefn, st. m., stem (of a ship), 212.