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Ne gefeah hē þǣere fǣhðe,ac hē hine feor forwræc,
110Metod for þȳ māne,man-cynue fram.
Ðanon untȳdrasealle onwōcon,
eotenas ond ylfeond orcneas,
swylce gī*gantas,þā wið Gode wunnonFol. 132b.
lange þrāge;hē him ðæs lēan forgeald.


115Gewāt ðā nēosian,syþðan niht becōm,
hēan hūses,hū hit Hring-Dene
æfter bēor-þegegebūn hæfdon.
Fand þā ðǣr inneæþelinga gedriht
swefan æfter symble;sorge ne cūðon,
120wonsceaft wera.[1]Wiht unhǣlo,
grim ond grǣdig,gearo sōna wæs,
rēoc ond rēþe,ond on raeste genam
þrītig þegna;þanon eft gewāt
hūðe hrēmigtō hām faran,
125mid þǣre wæl-fyllewica nēosan.
Ða wæs on ūhtanmid ǣr-dæge
Grendles guð-cræftgumum undyrne;
þā wæs æfter wistewōp ūp āhafen,
micel morgen-swēg.Mǣre þēoden,
130 æþeling ǣr-gōd,unblīðe sæt,
þolode ðrȳð-swȳðy,þegn-sorge drēah,
syðþan hīe þæs lāðanlāst scēawedon,
wergan gāstes;wæs þæt gewin tō strang,
lāð ond longsum.Næs hit lengra *fyrst, Fol. 133a.

  1. 120. Sievers ‘wera[s].’