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615ond þā frēolic wīfful gesealde
ǣrest Ēast-Denaēþel-wearde,
bæd hine blīðneæt þǣre bēor-þege,
lēodum lēofne;hē on lust geþeah
symbel ond sele-ful,sige-rōf kyning.
620Ymb-ēode þaides Helminga
duguþe ond geogoþedǣl ǣghwylcne,
sinc-fato sealde,oþ þæt sǣl ālamp,
þæt hīo Bēowulfe,bēag-hroden cwēn,
mōde geþungen,medo-ful ætbær;
625grētte Gēata lēod,Gode þancode
wīs-fæst wordum,þæs ðe hire se willa gelamp,
þæt hēo on ǣnigneeorl gelȳfde
fyrena frōfre.He þæt ful geþeah,
wæl-rēow wiga,*æt Wealhþēon,Fol. 144b.
630ond þā gyddodegūþe gefȳsed;
Bēowulf maþelode,bearn Eegþēowes:
“Ic þæt hogode,þā ic on holm gestāh,
sǣ-bāt gesætmid mīnra secga gedriht,
þæt ic ānungaēowra lēoda
635willan geworhte,oþðe on wæl crunge
fēond-grāpum fæst.Ic gefremman sceal
eorlīc ellen,oþðe ende-dæg
on þisse meodu-heallemīnne gebīdan.”
Ðām wīfe þā wordwel līcodon,
640gilp-cwide Gēates;ēode gold-hroden
frēolicu folc-cwēntō hire frēan sittan.
̄Þā wæs eft swā ǣrinne on healle
þrȳð-word sprecen,ðēod on sǣlum,
sige-folca swēg,oþ þæt semninga
645sunu Healfdenessēcean wolde
ǣfen-ræste;wiste þǣm āhlǣcan