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scūr-heard sceþðan,þonne scyld-freca
ongēan gramumgangan scolde.
1035Heht ðā eorla hlēoeahta mēaras
fǣted-hlēoreon flet tēon,
in under eoderas;þāra ānum stōd
sadol searwum fāh,since gewurþad;
þæt wæs hilde-setlhēah-cyninges,
1040ðonne sweorda gelācsunu Healfdenes
efnan wolde;nǣfre on ōre læg
wīd-cūþes wīg,ðonne walu fēollon.
Ond ðā Bēowulfebēga gehwæþ7res
eodor Ingwinaonweald getēah,
1045wicga ond wǣpna;hēt hine wel brūcan.
Swā manlīcemǣere þēoden,
hord-weard hæleþa,heaþo-rǣsas geald
mēarum ond mādmum,swā hȳ nǣfre man lyhð,
sē þe secgan wilesōð ætter rihte.


1050Ðā gyt ǣghwylcumeorla drihten,
þāra þe mid Bēowulfebrim-lāde[1] tēah,
on þǣre medu-bencemāþðum gesealde,
yr*fe-lāfe;ond þone ǣnne hehtFol. 153a.
golde forgyldan,þone ðe Grendel ǣr
1055māne ācwealde,swā hē hyra mā wolde,

    Sievers’ (“Beiträge” x. 455) metrisch unrichtig.” It is a curious commentary on this last reason, that Sievers himself quotes the line, with the form lāfe, among the examples of his type A (“Beit.” x. 273).

  1. 1051. MS. ‘leade.’