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1145þæs wǣron mid Eotenumecge cūðe.
Swylce ferhð-frecanFin eft begeat
sweord-bealo slīðenæt his selfes hām,
siþðan grimne gripeGūðlāf ond Ōslāf
æfter sǣ-sīðesorge mǣndon,
1150ætwiton wēana dǣl;ne meahte wǣfre mōd
forhabban in hreþre.Ðā wæs heal hroden[1]
fēonda fēorum,swilce Fin slægen,
cyning on corþre,ond sēo cwēn numen.
Scēotend Scyldingatō scypon feredon
1155eal in-gestealdeorð-cyninges,
swylce hīe æt Finnes hāmfindan meahton
sigla, searo-gimma.Hīe on sǣ-lāde
drihtlīce wīftō Denum feredon,
lǣddon *tō lēodum.”Lēoð wæs āsungen,Fol. 155b.
1160glēo-mannes gyd.Gamen eft āstāh,
beorhtode benc-swēg;byrelas sealdon
wīn of wunder-fatum.Þā cwōm Wealhþēo forð
gān under gyldnum bēage,þǣr þā gōdan twēgen
sǣton suhter-gefæderan;þā gyt wæs hiera sib ætgædere,
1165ǣghwylc ōðrum trȳwe.Swylce þǣr Unferþ[2] þyle

    particular emendation and to the whole of Bugge’s ingenious argumentation (for which see “Beitr̈age” xii. 32—37)—wherein he surmises that Hūn is identical with the Hūn of “Widsith” 33, and that Lāfing is the name of a sword which Hūn laid upon Hengest’s breast when the latter, the better to compass his revenge, “did not refuse to declare himself Finn’s liegeman” (an interpretation which involves a material departure from Möller’s reconstruction of the saga)—my opinion of all this is simply “not proven.” And if not proven, it is much more complicated than Grein’s explanation, and not a whit more consistent, as I think, with the accepted reconstructions of the whole saga.

  1. 1151. Bugge ‘roden’ ( = reddened).
  2. 1165. MS. ‘hun ferþ,’