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Druncne dryht-guman,dōð swā ic bidde.”
Ēode þā tō setle.Þǣr w«s symbla cyst,
druncon wīn weras;wyrd ne cūþon,
gēo-sceaft grimme,[1]swā hit āgangen wearð
1235eorla manegum.Syþðan ǣfen cwōm,
ond him Hrōþgār gewāttō hofe sīnum,
rīce tō ræste,reced weardode
unrīm eorla,swā hīe oft ǣr dydon.
Benc-þelu beredon;hit geond-brǣded wearð
1240beddum ond bolstrum.Bēor-scealca sum
fūs ond fǣgeflet-ræste ge*bēag.Fol. 157b.
Setton him tō hēafdonhilde-randas,
bord-wudu beorhtan;þǣr on bence wæs
ofer æþelingeȳþ-gesene
1245heaþo-stēapa helm,hringed byrne,
þrec-wudu þrymlīc.Wæs þēaw hyra,
þæt hīe oft wǣronan wīg gearwe[2]
ge æt hām ge on herge,ge gehwæþer þāra
efne swylce mǣla,swylce hira man-dryhtne
1250þearf gesǣlde;wæs sēo þrēod tilu.


Sigon þā tō slǣpe.Sum sāre angeald
ǣfen-ræste,swā him ful oft gelamp,
siþðan gold-seleGrendel warode,[3]

  1. 1234. MS. ‘grimne’; Ettmüller ‘grimme.’
  2. 1247. MS. ‘anwig gearwe’; Ettmüller (adopted by Grein) ‘ānwīg-gearwe,’ ready for single combat.
  3. 1253. Zupitza: “warode MS. as well as AB; the parchment under wa is rather thin, and besides there is a blot on the two letters.” Hence the word has several times been misread farode.