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Grendles mōdor.Wæs se gryre lǣssa
efne swā micle,swā bið mægþa. cræft,
wīg-gryre wīfes,be wǣpned-men,
1285þonne heoru bunden,hamere geþuren,
sweord swāte fāhswīn ofer helme,
ecgum *dyhtigandweard scireð.Fol. 158b.
Ðā wæs on healleheard-ecg togen
sweord ofer setlum,sīd-rand manig
1290hafen handa fæst;helm ne gemunde,
byrnan sīde,þā hine[1] se brōga angeat.
Hēo wæs on ōfste,wolde ūt þanon
fēore beorgan,þā hēo onfunden wæs;
hraðe hēo æþelingaānne hæfde
1295fæste befangen;þā hēo tō fenne gang.
Sē wæs Hrōþgārehæleþa lēofost
on gesīðes hādbe sǣm twēonum,
rīce rand-wīga,þone ðe hēo on ræste ābrēat,
blǣd-fæstne beorn.Næs Bēowulf ðǣr,
1300ac wæs ōþer inǣr geteohhod
æfter māþðum-gifemǣrum Gēate.
Hrēam wearð in Heorote;hēo under heolfre genam
cūþe folme;cearu wæs genīwod,
geworden in wīcun.Ne wæs þæt gewrixle til,
1305þæt hīe on bā healfabicgan scoldon
frēonda fēorum.Þā wæs frōd cyning,
hār hilde-rinc,on hrēon *mōde,Fol. 159a.
syðþan hē aldor-þegnunlyfigendne,
þone dēorestandēadne wisse.
1310Hraþe wæs tō būreBēowulf fetod,
sigor-ēadig secg;samod ǣr-dæge

  1. 1291. Heyne, Sweet, and others emend ‘þe hine,’ whom—at once ingenious, logical, pedantic, and unnecessary.