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1710eaforum Ecgwelan,  Ār-Scyldingum;
ne gewēox hē him tō willan,  ac tō wæl-fealle
ond tō dēað-cwalum  Deniga lēodum;
brēat bolgen-mōd  bēod-genēatas,
eaxl-gesteallan,  oþ þæt hē āna hwearf,
1715mǣre þēoden,  mon-drēamum from.
Ðeah þe hine mihtig God  mægenes wynnum,
eafeþum, stēpte  ofer ealle men,
forð gefremede,  hwæþere him on ferhþe grēow
brēost-hord blōd-rēow;  nallas bēagas geaf
1720Denum æfter dōme;  drēam-lēas gebād,
þæt hē þæs gewinnes  weorc þrōwade,
lēod-bealo longsum.  Ðū þē lǣr be þon,
gum-cyste ongit;  ic þis gid be þē
āwræc wintrum frōd.  Wundor is tō secganne,
1725hū mihtig God  manna cynne
þurh sīdne sefan  snyttru bryttað,
eard ond eorl-scipe;  hē āh ealra geweald.
Hwīlum hē on lufan  lǣteð hworfan
monnes mōd-geþonc  mǣran cynnes,
1730seleð him on ēþle  eorþan wynne,
tō healdanne  hlēo-burh wera,
*gedēð him swā gewealdene  worolde dǣlas,Fol. 168a.
sīde rīce,  þæt hē his selfa ne mæg
[1]his unsnyttrum  ende geþencean.
1735Wunað hē on wiste;  nō hine wiht dweleð
ādl ne yldo,  ne him inwit-sorh
on sefa[n][2] sweorceð,  ne gesacu ōhwǣr,

  1. 1734. With admirable and shameless audacity Heyne and Wülcker foist in for at the beginning of this line without a word of comment. Cf. l. 942.
  2. 1737. MS. defective at edge; Zupitza ‘sefa[n].’