Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/170

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Beef-peptone agar colonies: Round, smooth, shining, white to pale yellow.

Milk: Peptonized.

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Acid but no gas from carbohydrates.

Optimum temperature between 23° and 25° C.


Habitat: Causes a root rot of red clover (Trifolium pratense), lentils (Lens esculenta) and lucerne.

137. Pseudomonas cattleyae (Pavarino, 1911) Săvulescu, 1947. (Bacterium cattleyae Pavarino, Atti R. Acad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat. e Nat., 20, 1911, 233; Săvulescu, Anal. Acad. Romane, III, 22, 1947, 11.)

catt' M.L.fem.noun Cattleya a generic name; M.L. gen.noun cattleyae of Cattleya.

Description from Ark and Thomas (Phytopath., 36, 1946, 697).

Rods, 0.4 to 0.6 by 2.4 microns, occurring singly or in pairs. Motile by means of 1 or 2 bipolar flagella. Gram-negative.

Gelatin: No liquefaction.

Beef-extract peptone agar colonies: Large, entire, smooth, with criss-cross markings. Grayish white and butyrous.

Broth: Turbid in 24 hours with very delicate pellicle.

Fermi's, Cohn's, and Uschinsky's solutions: Good growth.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Indole not produced.

Nitrites produced from nitrates.

Litmus milk: Unchanged after 2 weeks.

Acid but no gas from glucose, galactose, fructose, arabinose, xylose, lactose, sucrose, dulcitol, glycerol and mannitol. No acid or gas from raffinose.

Starch: Slight hydrolysis.

Optimum temperature between 25° and 35° C.

Source: Four isolates and 4 reisolates from leaf spots of orchids by Ark and Thomas.

Habitat: Pathogenic on Cattleya sp. and Phalaenopsis sp.

138. Pseudomonas dysoxyli Hutchinson, 1949. (New Zealand Jour. Sci. and Tech., Sec. B, 30, 1949, 275.)' M.L. neut.noun Dysoxylum generic name of a forest tree; M.L. gen.noun dysoxyli of Dysoxylum.

Rods 0.4 to 0.6 by 0.6 to 1.0 micron. Motile with 1 to 2 polar flagella. Gram-negative.

Gelatin: No liquefaction.

Beef-peptone agar colonies: Circular, punctiform to 8 mm in diameter, gray, ranslucent. Surface smooth and edges entire to undulate. Medium brown in 1 week.

Nutrient broth: Dense flocculent pellicle at surface. Strong clouding in 3 days.

Litmus milk: No change in 4 days. After 12 days amber whey at top and 1 inch of pink precipitate at base.

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Methyl red test negative; acetylmethylcarbinol not produced.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Synthetic medium: Acid but no gas from glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, raffinose and mannitol within 3 weeks. No acid from arabinose, maltose, melizitose, starch, inulin, dextrin, glycerol or salicin.

Starch hydrolyzed.

Temperature relations: Optimum, 25° C. Minimum, 4° C. Maximum, 36° C.

Source: Many cultures isolated from diseased leaves of Dysoxylum spectabile in New Zealand.

Habitat: Pathogenic on leaves of the forest tree Dysoxylum spectabile.

139. Pseudomonas helianthi (Kawamura, 1934) Săvulescu, 1947. (Bacterium helianthi Kawamura, Ann. Phyt. Soc. Japan, 4, 1934, 27; Săvulescu, Anal. Acad. Romane, III, 22, 1947, 11.)'thi. Gr. helius the sun; Gr. anthus a flower; M.L. mas.noun Helianthus generic name of sunflower; M.L. gen.noun helianthi of the sunflower.

Rods 1.0 to 1.4 by 1.6 to 2.4 microns.

Motile with a single polar flagellum. Gram-negative. Gelatin: No liquefaction.

Beef agar colonies: White, circular, edges entire.

Broth: Turbid. Pellicle.

Milk: Peptonized. Litmus reduced.

Nitrates: Gas production.