Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/596

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Ferments lactic and pyruvic acid, glyc- erol, dihydroxyacetone, arabinose, glucose, galactose, fructose, naannose, lactose, malt- ose, sucrose, raffinose, dextrin, glycogen and starch with the production of propionic and acetic acids and carbon dioxide. Acid from esculin, salicin and mannitol. No acid from dulcitol, inulin or xylose. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Catalase-positive. Anaerobic, but less so than Propionibac- terium Jreudenreichii . Distinctive character: The ability to fer- ment the polysaccharides dextrin, glycogen and starch. Source: Isolated from Edam and Tilsit cheeses. Habitat: Dairy products. 7. Propionibacteriuni raffinosaceum Werkman and Kendall, 1931. {Propionibac- terium jensenii var. raffinosaceum van Niel, The Propionic Acid Bacteria, Haarlem, 1928, 162; Werkman and Kendall, Iowa State Coll. Jour. Sci., 6, 1931, 17.) no. sa' Fr. v. raffiner to re- fine; M.L. neut.n. raffinosum raffinose, a sugar secured by refining beet sugar mo- lasses; M.L. adj. raffinosaceum relating to raffinose. Description taken from van Niel (op. cit., 1928, 162) and from Werkman and Brown (Jour. Bact., 26, 1933, 402). Cells in neutral media spherical to short, rod-shaped cells, 0.8 by 0.8 to 1.5 microns, of typical diphtheroid appearance. In media in which acid is produced, the cells are some- what longer rod-shaped, to 2 microns in length. Aerobic growth occurs as irregular, long rods, swollen and branched. Non-mo- tile. Show metachromatic granules. Gram- positive. Yeast-gelatin-lactate-stab: No liquefac- tion. Yeast-agar-lactate-stab : Cream-colored growth in stab; distinct, orange-yellow sur- face growth. Liquid media: Turbid in early stages; cream-colored, smooth sediment. Litmus milk: Coagulated, acid. Indole not produced. Ferments lactic and pyruvic acids, glyc- erol, dihydroxyacetone, glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, cellobiose, maltose, lactose, sucrose, raffinose and mannitol with the production of propionic and acetic acids and carbon dioxide. Acid from adonitol, amygdalin, arabitol, erythritol, esculin, inositol, melezitose, salicin and trehalose. No acid from d- and 1-arabinose, dextrin, dulcitol, glycogen, inulin, melibiose, perseitol, pectin, rham- nose, sorbitol, starch or xylose. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Catalase-positive; only very slightly so when grown aerobically. Less anaerobic than Propionibacteriuni Jreudenreichii. Distinctive characters: Differs from Pro- pionibacterium jensenii in its somewhat greater length and in its ability to ferment cellobiose and salicin; the behaviour of Propionibacteriuni jensenii towards raffinose and mannitol is not constant and hence cannot be used as a differential character. Werkman and Kendall have reported differ- ent agglutination reactions for Propioni- bacterium jensenii and Propionibacteriuni raffinosaceum. Source: Isolated from buttermilk. Habitat: Dairy products. 8. Propionibacterivim peterssonii van Niel, 1928. {Bacterium acidi propionici c, Troili-Petersson, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 24, 1909, 333; van Niel, The Propionic Acid Bacteria, Haarlem, 1928, 163.)'ni.i. M.L. gen. noun peterssonii of Petersson; named for Gerda Troili-Pe- tersson, the Swedish bacteriologist who iso- lated this organism. Description taken from van Niel (loc. cit.) and from Werkman and Brown (Jour. Bact., 26, 1933, 406). Cells in neutral media spherical, 0.8 mi- cron in diameter, occurring in clumps of short chains. In carbohydrate media which turn acid during development, rod-shaped cells, 0.8 by 1.5 to 2.0 microns, also occur in clumps. Aerobic growth occurs as heavily swollen and branched rods. Non-motile. Show metachromatic granules. Gram-posi- tive. Yeast-gelatin-lactate stab: No liquefac- tion. Yeast-agar-lactate stab: Cream-colored