Page:Beside the Fire - Douglas Hyde.djvu/169

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is to be married to-night, the handsomest woman that the sun ever saw, and we must do our best to bring her with us, if we're only able to carry her off; and you must come with us that we may be able to put the young girl up behind you on the horse, when we'll be bringing her away, for it's not lawful for us to put her sitting behind ourselves. But you're flesh and blood, and she can take a good grip of you, so that she won't fall off the horse. Are you satisfied, Guleesh, and will you do what we're telling you?"

"Why shouldn't I be satisfied?" said Guleesh. "I'm satisfied, surely, and anything that ye will tell me to do I'll do it without doubt; but where are we now?"

"You're in Rome now, Guleesh," said the sheehogue (fairy).

"In Rome, is it?" said Guleesh. "Indeed, and no lie, I'm glad of that. The parish priest that we had he was broken (suspended) and lost his parish some time ago; I must go to the Pope till I get a bull from him that will put him back in his own place again."

"Oh, Guleesh," said the sheehogue, "you can't do that. You won't be let into the palace; and, anyhow, we can't wait for you, for we're in a hurry."

"As much as a foot, I won't go with ye," says Guleesh, "till I go to the Pope; but ye can go forward without me, if ye wish. I won't stir till I go and get the pardon of my parish priest."

"Guleesh, is it out of your senses you are? You can't go; and there's your answer for you now. I tell you, you can't go."

"Can't ye go on, and to leave me here after ye," said Guleesh, "and when ye come back can't ye hoist the girl up behind me?"

"But we want you at the palace of the king of