Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/20

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Modes of medical instruction, and methods used in introducing Imposters into the Practice of Physic in this country; I now proceed Gentlemen to the Third thing proposed, that is, to Answer your Questions: viz.

"What is the most elegible mode of increasing and Propagating Medical Knowledge in the State of Connecticut?"

I beg leave to Recommend as the most elegible mode in My Opinion,

I. That every Physician, Surgeon, Midwife, and Apothecary in the State, be furnished with Books compiled from the latest and best Authorities, upon every Art and Science necessary for the Qualification of Medical Professors; and that the Study of those Books which tend to lead Students into Error, be entirely laid aside.
II. That all Practitioners and Students attend diligently to their Studies, and communicate Medical Knowledge to one another according to their several Abilities.
III. That a college of Physicians be Instituted, or a Medical Acadamy Established, and furnished with a good Library, a Chymical, Anatomical, and Surgerical Apparatus; and also with Learned Professors to read Lectures upon Natural and Experimental Philosophy, and every other Branch of the Medical Art.
IV. That a Botanical Garden be planted, and cultivated near the Acadamy or College, and furnished with all kinds of trees, plants and herbs, foreign and Domestic, that will grow in America, for the accommodation of those who may Study Botany, and benefit of the Public in general.
V. That sufficient Funds be raised for the Support of those Professors; and that Pupils receive their Instruction gratis.