Page:Best Mode of Increasing Medical Knowledge in CT (1795).djvu/6

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only of those natural simples which belong to the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms; but also of some Articles produced by Art such as Soap, Potash, etc.

10. Pharmacy, or the Art, or Science of chusing, preparing, weighing, measuring, compounding, Distilling, Extracting, and Preserving of Medicines, for Medicinal purposes.
11. Anatomy, or the Art of dissecting, or taking to pieces, the several solid Parts of Animal Bodies, with a view of discovering their Structure and Uses.
12. Pathology, or an Explanation of the nature of Diseases, their Causes, and Symptoms.
13. Therapeutice, or the Rules that are to be observed, and the Medicines which are to be employed in the Cure of Diseases.
14. Surgery, or the Art of curing Wounds, Ulcers, Abscesses, Fractures, Luseations, etc. by the Application of the Hands, the Use of proper Instruments, and sundry External Remedies.
15. Obstetricatio, or the Art of preforming the Delivery of Women, etc.

All these Qualifications are necessary for an American Physician, and especially if he settles in a Country Township, where he will be obliged to officiate as