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[E § 70

Smith, G. Barnett Romance of the South Pole [popular] 2/ (80 c.) c 8° Nelson 00 Voyages Armitage, Lt. A. B. Two Years in the Antarctic 15/ n. 8° Arnold 05 «i Lonorman, N.r. >'aiT. o( Brit. XatJ. Antan-tic Kxjiedii, ABMrTAOK was 2nil in command and navigator of DiKCtn^frti, 1901-1904. and 2nd In command of Jackson-Hannsworth N. Polar Expedn. 1894-7. Bernacchi, Louis To the South Polar Regions; ill. 12/ n. 8° Hurst 01 .Vcconnt of the Newnes Expedn. (1899-1900), w. mucti scientific matter. BoRCHGREViNK, C. E. First on the Antarctic Continent; maps and i86 ill. 10/6 «. 8° Newnes 01 S3 n. acribner, iV. r. Another account of the Newnes Expedition. 1898-190(1. Bull, H. J. Cruise of the Antarctic to South Polar Regions 15/ 8° Arnold 96 $4 Lane, A'. I'. Describes the first landing on the Antarctic continent. Charcot, Dr The Voyage ol the Why-Not? [Pourquoi Pas!^ [tr.]; ill. 20/ ». r 8° Hodder 11 Voy. 1908-10, wh. did not get far beyond .Antarctic Circle, but wh. obtained some import, scieut. results. Cook, Dr F. A. Through the First Antarctic Night; 100 ill. $2 n. 8° Doubleday, A^'.y. [00] 00 20/ «. Heinemaon. Narr. of de Gerlaehe's Belgian expedn., in the Bctgic<t, to Palmer archipelago, etc., 1898-9. A good rfsumi of the Belgica expedn. (tjy H. Akctowbki) is cont. in Jt. R.a.S., Feb., 1901. Fricker, Dr Karl The Antarctic : its geogr., explom., etc. 7/6 8° Sonnenschein 00 $3 Macmillan, .V. V. An excellent general account. Maps, ill., and bibliography. Hammokd, Thos. W. On Board a Whaler; ill. $i"35 «. (6/) c 8° Putnam 02 McCoRMiCK, R. Voys. in search of Franklin & in Antarctic, 2 v.; ill. [1827, '52-3] 52/6 r 8° Low 84 Autlior waa surgeon on one of vessels of P.oss' Antarctic Expedn., of which he here gives an independent narr. Murdoch, W. G. Bum From Edinburgh to the .Antarctic 18/ 8° Longman 94 Diary of the artist who accompanied a whaling expedn. fr. Dundee to Southern Seas in 1892-3. NoRDENSKjOLD (O. G.) + Anderson (Dr J. G.) Antarctica; 200 ill. . 18/ ». 8° Hurst 05 S5 rt. Macmillan, .V. 1'. Account of two years among the ice of the South Pole. Ross, Sir Jas. C. Voy. of Discov. in Antarctic Regions, 2 vols. [1839-43] o.p. {pb. 36/] 8° Murray 47 Royal Geograph. Society Antarctic Manual, ed. Geo. Murray — ut E § 8 Scotia: Voy. of. By Three of Staff [R. N. R. Brown, R. C. Mossman, J. H. H. Pirie] 21/ n. 8° Blackwood 06 Ace. of expedn. (1902) of Scottish Natl. Antarct. Expedn. (led by W. H. Bhcck), wh. ditt excellent oceanograph. and meteorol. wk. in AtlanUc divn. of Antarctic watera and islds. 3 maps and 105 ill. Report on Scientific Results of Voy. of Scotia — ut H § 44 Vol. i. : Narrative of the Vt>iiovf, by Dr. W . 8. BapcK, is in preparation. ScoTT, Cpt. R. F. Voyage of The Discovery, 2 vols.; maps & ill. 10/ n. p 8° Smith Si. Elder [05] 07 13 n. Scribner. .'. 1'. Ace. of British South cx) edn. 1901-4. Appendices by Ft-RBAR (geol.) and Wilson (zool.). Mulock, Lt. G. F. A. Antarctica : charts of The Discovery [folded in case] 12/6 ». 4° R.G.S. (Murray) oS Royal Society : National Antarctic Expedn. : 1901-4 — ut H § 44 South Polar Times; w. Pref. by Cpt. Scott, 2 vols.; ill. (some col.) 126/ ». 4° Smith & Elder 07 The ))eriodical issued on board of The m«covery dur. winters of 1902 and 1903. Instruction combined w. anuisemt. •Shackelton, Sir Em. The Heart of the Antarctic, 2 vols.; maps & ill. 36/ «. c 4° Heinemann 09 $10». Linpincott, fftiM. Story of the Brit. Antarctic Expedn. 1907-9, wh. reached the farthest 9. yet attaujed. Introd. by Dr H. K. Mill anij ace. of first jy. to the south magnetic pole by Prf. T. W. E. Daird. Ch. Edn. 6/ n. '10. Southern Cross {The) : Report of Collns. of Nat. Hist. [Newnes Expedn.] — ut H § 44

Wilkes, Chas. Narr. of U.S. Exploring Expedn. — ut E § 63 [Polynesia and.Antarctic]