Page:Betelguese, a trip through hell.djvu/41

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As stellar domes grew black and cold,

Auric oriflammes storm'd the mount

As bristling lances smote giant hordes;

Then gorey devils fought with lust

As vulpine cries smote each jinn's ear,

Black Dragons swore beneath their breath

And murdered all rebellious Lords;

Strong hands that knew each axe's trust,

Escutcheons that all princes fear,

Hurl'd swift destruction and black death.

Where Titans storm'd a Monarch's throne,

There sleeps a Ruler carved in stone;

Where vultures guard a serpent's home,

A quarteréd warrior tells its tale.

Perturbéd at dews that drip from dome

As wattling apes their horrors groan,

The witch forsakes each glozing gnome,

Affrighted at this gurgling vale.

On crimson mounts where hydras peer—

Affronting devils in the gloom!