Page:Betelguese, a trip through hell.djvu/58

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To scour these lanes of strobic gloom—

Infernal doom by mongrels' wrought!

To pace these aisles of whistling heat,

Eternal signs of souls gone wrong!

And when a skelp cleaves siffling doom,

And vapours scyle a greenish ghaut,

Rebellious vandals stamp their feet

As rulling Cyons wield hell's prong.

Then domes and walls sweat savage rage,

Each gangrel gnome is toss'd by fear,

The tombs provoke each inmate's keep

To curse the horrid atmosphere,

Where ghouls their battle-axes wage,

Froth devils' pomp throughout the year;

Where lizards o'er tath do creep,

Bivouacs a horney-fisted seer.

To groves of wind-swept ulmus' bear,

And siffling mists beyond a bell

That hide veiled shadows of a peak

Above the stationed domes of red,