Page:Betty Gordon in the Land of Oil.djvu/100

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perhaps five minutes nothing could be noticed; then, almost imperceptibly, the smoke began to die down. Lower, lower, and lower it fell, and at last died away. The men continued to pump in sand for an extra ten minutes as a matter of precaution, then stopped. The fire was out.

"That fire wasn't no accident. Boss," proclaimed Dave Thorne, wiping his perspiring face with a red handkerchief. "She was set. And, believe me, where there's one, there'll be others. The north section keeps me awake nights. If a fire started there where that close drilling's going on, it couldn't help but spread. You can fight fire in a single well, but let half a dozen of 'em flare up and there'll be more than oil lost.

"What a croaker you are, Dave," said Mr. Gordon lightly. "Don't lose sleep about any section. A night's rest is far too valuable to be squandered. These young folks want to see the sights, and I'll take them around for an hour or so. Then I'll go over that bill of lading with you. Come, Betty and Bob, we'll leave the machine and take the trail on foot. Mind your clothes and shoes—there's oil on everything you touch."