Page:Betty Gordon in the Land of Oil.djvu/125

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care of, you know. I found them nearly dead of thirst, and all tied in their stalls."

The doctor interrupted impatiently.

"Nice country we live in!" he muttered bitterly. "Every last man so bent on making money in oil he'd let his neighbor die under his very eyes. Here are two old women sick, and no one to lift a hand for 'em. I suppose they haven't been able to get a hired man to tend to the stock since the oil boom struck Flame City. Well, child, I don't see that I have much choice in the matter. I know as well as you do, that they must have some one to help out for a few days. That Henderson lad looks capable, and you'll be safe, as far as that goes, with him in the house. But you musn't try to do too much, and, above all, no lifting. I'll keep an eye on you."

The doctor offered to take Betty back with him in the car but she was anxious that he should not be delayed and asked him to go as soon as he could. She herself would ride on to the Watterby farm, see if Bob was there, get her supper, and pack a few necessary things in a small bag. Then she and Bob would ride back to the Saunders place. Clover was fresh enough now, after her respite, far fresher than Betty, who was more tired than she had ever been in her life, though nothing would have dragged that confession from her. Of course her uncle must be notified, if he