Page:Betty Gordon in the Land of Oil.djvu/136

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"I must be going on," Doctor Morrison continued, finishing his writing at the kitchen table which the entrance of Bob and Betty had evidently interrupted. "Here are a few directions for you, Betty. I do not think there will be anything for you to do to-night. Both should sleep right through, and I'll be out in the morning. I have made a bed for you on the parlor sofa, and one for Bob here in the kitchen. I thought you'd want to be near the patients. And, then, too, the rooms upstairs are damp and musty; evidently the upper floor of the house hasn't been used for some time. Now are you sure you will be all right? Does Mr. Gordon know you are here?"

Bob explained that they had left a message for Mr. Gordon at the Watterby farm, and Doctor Morrison, who of course knew of the fire, nodded understandlngly. Then he bade them good-night, promising to make them his first call in the morning.

"I'll go out and bed down the horses and feed