Page:Betty Gordon in the Land of Oil.djvu/43

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Bob looked at Betty, and Betty stared at Bob.

"What do you know about that!" gasped the boy. "They couldn't have arranged for the car to meet them, because the tree blowing down was an accident pure and simple. Where can they be going?"

"I don't know," said Betty practically. "But here's a drug store and I must have something cold to drink. My throat feels dried with dust. Why don't you ask the drug clerk whose car that was?"

Bob acted upon this excellent suggestion, and while Betty was recovering from her disappointment in finding no ice-cream for sale and doing her best to quench her thirst with a bottle of luke-warm lemon soda. Bob interviewed the grizzled proprietor of the store.

"A small car painted a dull red you say?" this individual repeated Bob's question. "Must 'a' been Fred Griggs. He hires out whenever he can get anybody to tote round."

"But where does anybody go?" asked Bob,