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watchful and expectant. He turned in his gig and looked all around. The snow was so white that darker objects easily attracted attention, and Burley noticed a horse, restless and rearing.

"That horse must be tied," he argued. "If it was restless and loose, it wouldn't remain in t' same place."

He drove near to it, alighted, and examined the creature. It was a fine mare, expensively caparisoned, and someone had fastened her securely to the stone wall. He had instantly an impression that the animal was Aske's, and he connected its peculiar situation with the flight of the two men who had refused to answer his call.

"There's something wrong here!" he muttered. "I wonder if Aske hes gotten hurt, or if he's been robbed!" He stood still and thought a few moments. "If he hes, it's none of my affair. He deserves all and more than he'll get in this world, I'm sure. I might call at t' Hall and tell them about it, though, and happen it might be some stranger going to Aske for t' Christmas holidays. I mebbe ought to look around a bit."