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these were for spice for yournsens. You are to buy teffy or owt you like with 'em." And if a man wants to taste the delight of genuine gratitude he must cater for the happiness of little children. Burley got a full two sovereigns' worth of pleasure, and with a light heart, trustful and trusting, he turned homeward again.

It was a soaking, wretched night, but as he passed the police-station he saw Sarah Benson come out of it. She drew her shawl over head and hurried on, but he soon overtook her.

"Sarah, my dear lass, a good Christmas to thee!"

She turned to him with a little cry, and a face so white and sorrowful that it shocked him; then, lifting her apron, she began to sob behind it.

"Sarah! Sarah! Whatever is it, joy?"

"It's the childer, master, the poor little childer. They are cold and hungry, and Joyce hed another little lass yesterday, and she's varry bad off. I'm most beside mysen!"

"Where's Steve ?"

"Thet is t' worst of a'! He hesn't been home for two days, and he knew Joyce was like