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I'll do my best, I will that. Thou might send Joyce word I said so."

"I'll not see them want, Steve, thou may be sure; but I do think thou is a careless, shiftless fellow. Daily work is t' varry backbone o' any life, Steve, and till thou does it thou will niver stand up as a man should do."

In all these events Jonathan had missed Ben Holden very much. Ben had gone to Otley to spend his Christmas with his sister who lived there, and Jonathan wondered what he would say, and was impatient for his return. He told himself that it was Ben's advice he wanted, but really he wanted to hear Ben's praise of his own conduct.

"My word, but Ben will be taken aback! I wonder whativer Ben thought when he read o' me carrying Aske home? I think he'll be a bit proud o' me?"

Such were his reflections when he remembered his friend, for in the course of three or four days Burley had come to be a bit proud of himself in the matter. "It isn't many men as would hev done as I did, I think I may say that much for mysen, anyway, was a very frequent decision with him.