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well as I hev pleased thee. A man cannot serve two masters, God and—"

"Wait a bit, Ben, don't call me mammon. I sent thee to Sykes because I was feared I'd say too much. Now, I'm feared thou hesn't said enough. If ta hed told him that he was a mean, contemptible rascal, and reminded him that such ways as his don't pay in t' long run, thou would hev done no more than thy duty. And I don't think much o' thee for not doing it I didn't want thee to give railing for railing, but let me tell thee, when thy Master found t' opportunity to tell t' Scribes and Pharisees what He thought they were. He didn't lose it. I'm sorry I left Sykes to thee, now!"

"Nay, thou needn't be. I gave him some varry plain Saxon. If ta had waited a minute, I was going to tell thee. Ben Holden isn't a man to lose any opportunity. I hed my say, Jonathan. I hev a few words I keep for such occasions, and I let Sykes hev 'em."

"Wasn't he fair capp'd at t' turn round?"

"I don't think he was. He said he knew he'd hev to go, iver since he saw owd Jonas Shuttleworth poking around here. He said