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robbery.' Now, then, don't thee cry any more."

"Master, thank thee for coming wi' such good news!" Sarah answered, her face shining with hope. "Poor Joyce, she hes been ill for weeks! She's hed a deal to cry for, and she's weak as can be."

"I'm broken-hearted! I'm dying! There niver was a woman used as Steve used me. Oh, deary me! Oh, deary me! Oh! oh! oh!"

She was sobbing and moaning with a pitiful hysteria, and Sarah, still holding the babe to her breast, stood up to soothe her; but perceiving the work was going to be difficult, she turned to Jonathan and said, "Master, thou hed better go. She's worn out, and I'll hev to get her to bed."

"Thou art worn out too, my lass!" His eyes filled with tears as he stood looking at her.

"I hev something good to tell thee, though. Oh, Sarah! won't ta give me half an hour as I come from t' chapel?"

"Yes, I will that."

Under the circumstances, there was no opportunity for more words. Joyce's crying had awakened the child, and it was also crying, and Jonathan readily perceived that his presence