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Here's Steve Benson's cottage, and I hev got a word or two to say there."

The little house-place was now quiet Joyce and the children were asleep, and Sarah was sitting by the table mending some of their clothing. Jonathan sat down by her side. He took the work out of her hands, and then held them in his own. Such dear hands! Hands so ready to help! So gentle with the sick and the children! So busy in every unselfish work! "Oh, Sarah!" he said, and his voice was low and broken with emotion, "oh, my dear lass, t' days of our trouble are oover. Aske and me have made up friends. He hes given up t' lawsuit, and sent Sykes about his business, and he is going to make oover t' new mill to me. What does ta think of that?"

As he spoke he bent towards her, and her face was lifted to him. He saw how the news changed it, how the wan cheeks grew rosy and the sad eyes bright, and how the patient mouth parted with a happy smile. And before she could speak, he had bent still lower, and kissed the words off her lips.

"Nay, nay," he added, "don't thee be a bit vexed at me. I couldn't help it, my dearie, and