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thou wilt see how fast t' daylight will come. When t' right hour strikes, thee and me will both know it, and I'll be thy wife gladly, and I'll try to make ivery hour of thy life happy."

Jonathan was far too full of joy to speak for a few minutes, and when he did find words they were of that practical kind which would probably shock a young lover, who imagines that love has no element but one of poetry and romance, "Sarah," he said, "if ta was by thysen, or if it was for thysen, I'd niver dare to offer thee a half-penny, though all I have is for thee. But for that poor weakly creature and her childer thou must let me do something till Steve is able to work again."

"Ben Holden hes brought my wage."

"Thy wage isn't enough. It isn't half enough. It is for them, not thee. Take it, lass, and get Joyce some strengthening food, and t' childer some shoes and clothes. As for Steve's defence, he won't need much defending, but I hev spoken to Newby. He'll say all for t' poor lad that is necessary, and so, thou needn't hev a care about t' trial. It will clear Steve wheniver it is."

Jonathan's hopeful assertions proved in the outcome to be true ones also. When Squire