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swiftly to their drifting. Sarah had been dreaming half an hour at the little gate when she heard a footstep. "That is Ben Holden's step, I'll warrant," she thought, and in a moment Ben came round the corner.

"Thou art late out, Sarah," he said with a queer smile.

"So art thou, Ben. Hes ta been a-courting?"

"Thou knows better than that I am up to no such foolishness! I was at t' Odd Fellows' meeting to-night. Does ta know t' master is going away?"

"Ay, I know it. Aske and him are varry friendly after all that hes come and gone."

"Aske and Burley are thick as thack, and as for Mistress Aske, she rules 'em both. She hes sense enough now to call her orders wishes, that's about all t' difference, lass. It caps me! Men-folk are that easy fooled I often wonder women can look in their faces without laughing at 'em."

And Sarah laughed softly in Ben's face and turned happily away.