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t' magistrates hev been doing, or mebbe about t' last new novel, and such like, and I'd hev to sit and listen, and look like a fool. Yet thou knows, Ben, when t' talk is about wool and trade and manufacturing, I can hold my own with t' best of them."

"Thou hes a deal o' pride in thee yet, Jonathan Burley."

"I doan't say I hevn't; but happen if thou would look near home thou would find a feeling or two quite as faulty."

"Thou says right. I'll hev to look after Ben Holden a bit But thou arn't a fool on any subject A man that can manage to keep his frames going, whatever sort o' weather there is in t' manufacturing world, is a man whose opinions are worth listening to on any subject, and I'd like well for thee to hev a talk wi' Baron Fairley. He's got a mind above t' common run."

"Nay, I doan't think so! He's got some kind o' wimwam in his bead about educating t' working-class."

"And why not? Why not, Jonathan?"

"Because we shall hev no end of worry and suffering before we can manage to give 'em enough learning to enable them to put it to