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"But she isn't a lass to cry over a few shillings."

"Not her, indeed. It is about t' christening she's crying, thou knows."

"Nay, I know nowt about christening."

"Well, then, t' little lass hed to be made a Christian, thou sees, and last Sunday t' job were done in fine style at t' parish church. Sarah had taken wonderful to t' baby, and she thought no less than it would be called after her, 'specially as Steve's mother and Joyce's mother had both t' same name. But Joyce wouldn't hev it. She said, 'There hed been Sarahs enough in t' family, and she had chosen Charlotta Victoria, and it would be a varry queer thing if a mother couldn't call her daughter t' name she liked best.'"

Ben laughed sarcastically; he could not control this expression of his opinion, "You women are a queer lot," he said; "whativer did she want a name like that for?"

"Victoria was for t' queen, thou sees, and Charlotta for old Lotta Asketh, who is aunt to Joyce's mother. Folks think as old Lotta hes saved a goodish bit of brass in her little shop; and Joyce said she wanted a godmother