Page:Beyond Fantasy Fiction Volume 1 Issue 1 (1953-07).djvu/63

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soothing ruddiness of your complexion and the enticing brownness of your eyes.

Run, run, oh, my darling!

I had been with the other women that first night and was returning to my dwelling by myself when I saw the tongue of flame lash across the sky. For a moment I thought the gods were spitting fire at me. But then the flame melted to earth a short distance away, its amber heat searing the foliage to a charred blue. And through the flame I made out the silver sheen of your carriage.

You will never understand the emotions that caught at me when I realized who and what you might be! When I was young, the Matriarch had mentioned the coming of gods who rode in fiery chariots, but in the intervening years I had lapsed into disbelief. And suddenly, as if to prove the error of my lagging faith, you appeared. Will you ever comprehend the overwhelming sensations I felt that night?

I ran to you then with the speed of a thousand, as you must run tonight.

Faster, my love, faster! Tonight your fear must give you wings!

THE fire had burned a path to your chariot when I reached it, and I ran through the hot ashes heedless of the pain to my naked feet. For I knew that you must be inside, waiting for me to come to you. The door was open, and so I entered.

And you were there, crouched behind some monstrous piece of metal, hoping, perhaps, to shield your glorious body from my sight. But I looked and saw your wonderful stature and knew at once that my heart was lost to you forever. The empathetic organs of my body began to pulsate with devotion. My mind reached out and touched at yours, offering to you the utter devotion of an eternal slave.

What a delicious thing it is to recall the delicate trembling of your beautiful jowls as you looked at me, determining, I am sure, my worth and worthiness. But I had faith. Remember that, my darling. I knew that you would not deny me the companionship I so avidly sought.

For a long time—what a horribly delightful time it was for me—you stayed huddled in your corner, immobile save for the scarcely perceptible quivering of your tantalizing body. Until I could stand it no longer and moved forward to caress you. And you opened your eyes widely as if to see me better and raised your hands in the universal sign of acceptance and resignation. And I knew that you were mine!

I reached my long and hopeless-