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chance to make good. You’re right I liked it. And I’ll tell you, Rob, that’s right where I’m going just as soon as I’ve seen you folks a while and can get a ship. I don’t intend to pay for my passage now I can get a berth as second officer, and I’ll jump the ship when I get there. I’ll need every cent of the wages Uncle’s paid me to get a start at something in B. A.

Robert—[Staring at his brother—slowly.] So you’re not going to stay on the farm?

Andrew—Why sure not! Did you think I was? There wouldn’t be any sense. One of us is enough to run this little place.

Robert—I suppose it does seem small to you now.

Andrew—[Not noticing the sarcasm in Robert’s tone.] You’ve no idea, Rob, what a splendid place Argentine is. I went around Buenos Aires quite a lot and got to know people—English speaking people, of course. The town is full of them. It’s foreign capital that’s developed the country, you know. I had a letter from a marine insurance chap that I’d made friends with in Hong-Kong to his brother, who’s in the grain business in Buenos Aires. He took quite a fancy to me, and what’s more important, he offered me a job if I’d come back there. I’d have taken it on the spot, only I couldn’t leave Uncle Dick in the lurch, and I’d promised you folks to come home. But I’m going back there very soon, you bet, and then you watch me get on! [He slaps Robert on the back.] But don’t you think it’s a big chance, Rob?

Robert—It’s fine—for you, Andy.