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Mary—[Running to her mother.] Mama!

Ruth—[Kissing her.] Hello, dear! [She walks toward the rock and addresses Robert coldly.] Jake wants to see you about something. He finished working where he was. He’s waiting for you at the road.

Robert—[Getting up—wearily.] I’ll go down right away. [As he looks at Ruth, noting her changed appearance, his face darkens with pain.]

Ruth—And take Mary with you, please. [To Mary.] Go with Dada, that’s a good girl. Grandma has your dinner most ready for you.

Robert—[Shortly.] Come, Mary!

Mary—[Taking his hand and dancing happily beside him.] Dada! Dada! [They go down the hill to the left. Ruth looks after them for a moment, frowning—then turns to Andy with a smile.] I’m going to sit down. Come on, Andy. It’ll be like old times. [She jumps lightly to the top of the rock and sits down.] It’s so fine and cool up here after the house.

Andrew—[Half-sitting on the side of the boulder.] Yes. It’s great.

Ruth—I’ve taken a holiday in honor of your arrival—from work in the kitchen. [Laughing excitedly.] I feel so free I’d like to have wings and fly over the sea. You’re a man. You can’t know how awful and stupid it is—cooking and washing dishes all the time.

Andrew—[Making a wry face.] I can guess.

Ruth—Besides, your mother just insisted on get-