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from the truth. So you’ll be punished. You’ll have to suffer to win back——— [His voice grows weaker and he sighs wearily.] It’s no use. I can’t say it. [He lies back and closes his eyes, breathing pantingly.]

Andrew—[Slowly.] I think I know what you’re driving at, Rob—and it’s true, I guess. [Robert smiles gratefully and stretches out his hand, which Andrew takes in his.]

Robert—I want you to promise me to do one thing, Andy, after—

Andrew—I’ll promise anything, as God is my Judge!

Robert—Remember, Andy, Ruth has suffered double her share, and you haven’t suffered at all. [His voice faltering with weakness.] Only through contact with suffering, Andy, will you—awaken. Listen. You must marry Ruth—afterwards.

Ruth—[With a cry.] Rob! [Robert lies back, his eyes closed, gasping heavily for breath.]

Andrew—[Making signs to her to humor him—gently.] You’re tired out, Rob. You shouldn’t have talked so much. You better lie down and rest a while, don’t you think? We can talk later on.

Robert—[With a mocking smile.] Later on! You always were an optimist, Andy! [He sighs with exhaustion.] Yes, I’ll go and rest a while. [As Andrew comes to help him.] It must be near sunrise, isn’t it? It’s getting grey out.

Andrew—Yes—pretty near. It’s after six.