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are right! Our love is sweeter than any distant dream. It is the meaning of all life, the whole world. The kingdom of heaven is within—us! [He kisses her passionately and steps to the ground, lifting Ruth in his arms and carrying her to the road where he puts her down.]

Ruth—[With a happy laugh.] My, but you’re strong!

Robert—Come! We’ll go and tell them at once.

Ruth—[Dismayed.] Oh, no, don’t, Rob, not ’til after I’ve gone. Then you can tell your folks and I’ll tell Ma when I get her home. There’d be bound to be such a scene with them all together.

Robert—[Kissing her—gaily.] As you like—little Miss Common Sense!

Ruth—Let’s go, then. [She takes his hand, and they start to go off left. Robert suddenly stops and turns as though for a last look at the hills and the dying sunset flush.]

Robert—[Looking upward and pointing.] See! The first star. [He bends down and kisses her tenderly.] Our star!

Ruth—[In a soft murmur.] Yes. Our very own star. [They stand for a moment looking up at it, their arms around each other. Then Ruth takes his, hand again and starts to lead him away.] Come, Rob, let’s go. [His eyes are fixed again on the horizon at he half turns to follow her. Ruth urges.] We’ll be late for supper, Rob.