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Andrew—[Opens the door and pauses.] Anything else you can think of to be done, Pa?

Mayo—No, nothin’ I know of. [Andrew goes out, shutting the door.]

Mrs. Mayo—[After a pause.] What’s come over Andy tonight, I wonder? He acts so strange.

Mayo—He does seem sort o’ glum and out of sorts. It’s ’count o’ Robert leavin’, I s’pose. [To Scott.] Dick, you wouldn’t believe how them boys o’ mine sticks together. They ain’t like most brothers. They’ve been thick as thieves all their lives, with nary a quarrel I kin remember.

Scott—No need to tell me that. I can see how they take to each other.

Mrs. Mayo—[Pursuing her train of thought.] Did you notice, James, how queer everyone was at supper? Robert seemed stirred up about something; and Ruth was so flustered and giggly; and Andy sat there dumb, looking as if he’d lost his best friend; and all of them only nibbled at their food.

Mayo—Guess they was all thinkin’ about tomorrow, same as us.

Mrs. Mayo—[Shaking her head.] No. I’m afraid somethin’s happened—somethin’ else.

Mayo—You mean—’bout Ruth?

Mrs. Mayo—Yes.

Mayo—[After a pause—frowning.] I hope her and Andy ain’t had a serious fallin’-out. I always sorter hoped they’d hitch up together sooner or later.