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And I thought she loved—someone else. [Slowly—his eyes shining.] And then she cried and said it was I she’d loved all the time, but I hadn’t seen it. [Simply.] So we’re going to be married—very soon—and I’m happy—and that’s all there is to say. [Appealingly.] But you see, I couldn’t go away now—even if I wanted to.

Mrs. Mayo—[Getting up from her chair.] Of course not! [Rushes over and throws her arms about him.] I knew it! I was just telling your father when you came in—and, Oh, Robbie, I’m so happy you’re not going!

Robert—[Kissing her.] I knew you’d be glad, Ma.

Mayo—[Bewilderedly.] Well, I’ll be damned! You do beat all for gettin’ folks’ minds all tangled up, Robert. And Ruth too! Whatever got into her of a sudden? Why, I was thinkin’——

Mrs. Mayo—[Hurriedly—in a tone of warning.] Never mind what you were thinking, James. It wouldn’t be any use telling us that now. [Meaningly.] And what you were hoping for turns out just the same almost, doesn’t it?

Mayo—[Thoughtfully—beginning to see this side of the argument.] Yes; I suppose you’re right, Katey. [Scratching his head in puzzlement.] But how it ever come about! It do beat anything ever I heard. [Finally he gets up with a sheepish grin and walks over to Robert.] We’re glad you ain’t goin’, your Ma and I, for we’d have missed you terrible, that’s certain and sure; and we’re glad you’ve