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Mrs. Mayo—Let him! The very idea!

Scott—[More and more ruffled.] Then all I got to say is, you’re a soft, weak-willed critter to be permittin’ a boy—and women, too—to be layin’ your course for you wherever they damn pleases.

Mayo—[Slyly amused.] It’s just the same with me as ’twas with you, Dick. You can’t order the tides on the seas to suit you, and I ain’t pretendin’ I can reg’late love for young folks.

Scott—[Scornfully.] Love! They ain’t old enough to know love when they sight it! Love! I’m ashamed of you, Robert, to go lettin’ a little huggin’ and kissin’ in the dark spile your chances to make a man out o’ yourself. It ain’t common sense—no siree, it ain’t—not by a hell of a sight! [He pounds the table with his fists in exasperation.]

Robert—[Smiling.] I’m afraid I can’t help it, Uncle.

Scott—Humph! You ain’t got any sand, that’s what! And you, James Mayo, lettin’ boys and women run things to the devil and back—you’ve got less sense than he has!

Mayo—[With a grin.] If Robert can’t help it, I’m sure I ain’t able, Dick.

Mrs. Mayo—[Laughing provokingly at her brother.] A fine one you are to be talking about love, Dick—an old cranky bachelor like you. Goodness sakes!

Scott—[Exasperated by their joking.] I’ve