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the sooner I’m in the grave and out o’ their way the better it’d suit them.

Mrs. Mayo—You mustn’t talk that way, Sarah. They’re not as wicked as that. And you’ve got years and years before you.

Mrs. Atkins—You’re like the rest, Kate. You don’t know how near the end I am. Well, at least I can go to my eternal rest with a clear conscience. I’ve done all a body could do to avert ruin from this house. On their heads be it!

Mrs. Mayo—[With hopeless indifference.] Things might be worse. Robert never had any experience in farming. You can’t expect him to learn in a day.

Mrs. Atkins—[Snappily.] He’s had three years to learn, and he’s gettin’ worse ’stead of better. He hasn’t got it in him, that’s what; and I do say it to you, Kate Mayo, even if he is your son. He doesn’t want to learn. Everything I’ve told him he’s that pig-headed he’s gone and done the exact opposite. And now look where things are! They couldn’t be worse, spite o’ what you say. Not on’y your place but mine too is driftin’ to rack and ruin, and I can’t do nothin’ to prevent, ’cause Ruth backs him up in his folly and shiftlessness.

Mrs. Mayo—[With a spark of assertiveness.] You can’t say but Robbie works hard, Sarah.

Mrs. Atkins—What good’s workin’ hard if it don’t accomplish anythin’, I’d like to know?

Mrs. Mayo—Robbie’s had bad luck against him.

Mrs. Atkins—Say what you’ve a mind to, Kate,