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Ruth—[Putting her hands over her ears—in exasperation.] For goodness sakes, Ma!

Mrs. Mayo—[Dully.] Never mind. Andy’ll fix everything when he comes.

Ruth—[Hopefully.] Oh, yes, I know he will. He always did know just the right thing ought to be done. [With weary vexation.] It’s a shame for him to come home and have to start in with things in such a topsy-turvy.

Mrs. Mayo—Andy’ll manage.

Ruth—[Sighing.] I s’pose it isn’t Rob’s fault things go wrong with him.

Mrs. Atkins—[Scornfully.] Hump! [She fans herself nervously.] Land o’ Goshen, but it’s bakin’ in here! Let’s go out in under the trees in back where there’s a breath of fresh air. Come, Kate. [Mrs. Mayo gets up obediently and starts to wheel the invalid’s chair toward the screen door.] You better come too, Ruth. It’ll do you good. Learn him a lesson and let him get his own dinner. Don’t be such a fool.

Ruth—[Going and holding the screen door open for them—listlessly.] He wouldn’t mind. He tells me never to wait—but he wouldn’t know where to find anything.

Mrs. Atkins—Let him go hungry then—and serve him right.

Ruth—He wouldn’t mind that, either. He doesn’t eat much. But I can’t go anyway. I’ve got to put baby to bed.