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I can do under the circumstances, and I’ve got to pull things through somehow. With your help, I can do it. With you against me——— [He shrugs his shoulders. There is a pause. Then he bends down and kisses her hair—with an attempt at cheerfulness.] So you promise that; and I’ll promise to be here when the clock strikes—and anything else you tell me to. Is it a bargain?

Ruth—[Dully.] I s’pose so.

Robert—The reason I was late today—it’s more bad news, so be prepared.

Ruth—[As if this was only what she expected.] Oh! [They are interrupted by the sound of a loud knock at the kitchen door.] There’s someone at the kitchen door. [She hurries out. A moment later she reappears.] It’s Ben. He says he wants to see you.

Robert—[Frowning.] What’s the trouble now, I wonder? [In a loud voice.] Come on in here, Ben. [Ben slouches in from the kitchen. He is a hulking, awkward young fellow with a heavy, stupid face and shifty, cunning eyes. He is dressed in overalls, boots, etc., and wears a broad-brimmed hat of coarse straw pushed back on his head.] Well, Ben, what’s the matter?

Ben—[Drawlingly.] The mowin’ machine’s bust.

Robert—Why, that can’t be. The man fixed it only last week.

Ben—It’s bust just the same.

Robert—And can’t you fix it?